Downloadable application form and addendums
If choosing to make a paper based submission, please complete the application form and addendum for every vehicle type you wish to import.
- Application for importing a vehicle [
PDF: 293 KB]
and at least one addendum
- Addendum IO1—Personal Imports Option [
PDF: 249 KB]
- Addendum IO2—Non-Road Vehicles Option [
PDF: 261 KB]
- Addendum IO3—Small Road Trailers Option [
PDF: 308 KB]
- Addendum IO4—Vehicles Manufactured before 1989 Option [
PDF: 358 KB]
- Addendum IO5—Australian Plated Vehicles Option [
PDF: 275 KB]
- Addendum IO6—New Vehicles (including large trailers) for Use on Road Option[
PDF: 273 KB]
- Addendum IO7—Letter of Compliance Option [
PDF: 186 KB]
- Addendum IO8—Race or Rally Vehicles Option [
PDF: 242 KB]
- Addendum IO9—Special Purpose Vehicles Option [
PDF: 213 KB]
- Addendum IO10—Vehicles for Exhibition Option [
PDF: 191 KB]
- Addendum IO11—Vehicles in Transit Option [
PDF: 185 KB]
- Addendum IO12—Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) [
PDF: 196 KB]
- Addendum IO13—Test and/or Evaluation Vehicles Option [
PDF: 228 KB]